“Ironically, Of Course” by Jesse Freedman & Danny Belinkie
“Zeyadora’s Feature Attraction” by Tim Pyle
“Shiny Objects” by Catherine Hall
“Danielle’s Beacon” by Patrick Scott
“Social Conditions” by Angela Khristin Brown
“Key Bridge” by Joseph Gueron
“Dirty Thirties” by Caryn Hayes
“Life’s Funny....Sometimes” by Johnny Grasso
“Seti” by Josie Campbell
“Eating Life” by David Cobbins
“G, The Other Me” by Michele Coggiola
“Haunting of Reactor 5” by Robert Cox
“Samson V-2” by James Kirtland
“The Fishing Shack” by James Kirtland
“Parting Gift” by Alec White
“Love, Fermented” by Matthew Katis
“Valley of Spirits” by Warren Hull
“The English Katerina Tsavalou” by Angeliki Coconi
“Sophronia L.” by Tim Bridwell
“Finding Joy” by Shona Tuckman
“Not Safe No More” by Kimberly Coleman
“Second Chance” by Sharon Duncan
“Trial and Erin” by Lawrence Shuiruff
“Midnight Flights” by Benjamin Revermann
“Perfect Merger” by Daniel D. Molinoff
“Family Secret” by Warren Hull
“Band of Angels” by Michael Baley
“Ghost of A Chance” by John Andreini
“Outrider” by Daniel D. Mollinoff
“Bakker’s Dozen” by Daniel D. Molinoff
“My Way” by Judah Ray Neiditch
“Hampton Court-Episode 4-Hunting Party” by James Kirtland
“Anne Bonny, Pirate” by Nathan Goldman
“Triptych” by Wayne Keeley
“Buckingham’s Palace” by Steve Pickle
“My Dead Wife” by Pamela Beck
“Delliah’s Secret” by Dianca Denay
“Jennifer, Rusell & B. Bugeyes” by Marce Swing
“Ripper” by Joe Randazzo
“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” by Ron Podell
“Hampton Court” by James Kirtland
“Frozen Fire” by Paul Pawlowski
“Sadie Hawkins Day” by Stacy Keane & Samantha Cade
“The Fix” by Robert Burns
“Land of The Free, Home of The Slave” by Cliff Zimowski
“Our Iceberg Is Melting” by Lyle Hogue
“10 Minutes From Paradise” by Janyce Lapore